Online Donations

 NPSO accepts donations online!

This form is for use by anyone who wishes to contribute to any of the 6 funds listed below. If you wish to become a member of NPSO or wish to renew your membership, please go to the Membership Page.

Help support one of the funds below.

Funds Amount
General NPSO Gift
To continue the good work of the Native Plant Society of Oregon.
Rare and Endangered Plant Conservation Fund
Dedicated to the protection, conservation, and enhancement of rare and endangered plants in Oregon through research and education.
Leighton Ho Memorial Field Botany Fund
Grants issued from this fund seek to stimulate field research into the biology and distribution of Oregon's native and naturalized flora and vegetation, particularly in the more remote areas of the state, in order to promote native plant conservation.
Friends of the Oregon Flora Project Fund
A partner of NPSO, OregonFlora is the creator of the 3-volume Flora of Oregon and the website, which is a digital interactive flora with information about each Oregon taxon growing outside of cultivation. It has photos, interactive maps, tools for selecting native plants for your garden/landscape, and much more.
Jean Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund
Through this fund, the Willamette Valley Chapter of NPSO awards $1,000 scholarships annually for 3rd and 4th year students studying plant systematics, plant ecology, or a related field at an Oregon college or university. Jean Davis was a longstanding Native Plant Society member.
Augusta Rockafellar Memorial Scholarship Fund
Through this fund, the Willamette Valley Chapter of NPSO awards $1,000 scholarships annually for 3rd and 4th year students studying plant systematics, plant ecology, or a related field at an Oregon college or university. Augusta Rockafellar was a longstanding Native Plant Society member.

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